It is vital that you use the correct things on your sewing machine, and that where possible you use high quality things. It can make all the difference between a purring machine and a machine that won’t work, which is very frustrating!
Have a look at this video where I go in to great detail about what you need
Things to keep your machine purring
Decent quality polyester thread (not cotton). Coats Moon thread is cheap and fine and available just about everywhere. For dressmaking I use Coats Duet or Gütermann Sew All thread as it is stronger. Steer away from supermarket thread, poundshop thread, inherited vintage threads, cotton, metallic, nylon, extra thick thread. Some of these can be used once you know how to adjust your machine to work with these
Excellent quality needles you change regularly (nothing unbranded, “Singer”, or ones bought from the £ shop or market. ONLY use Schmetz, Organ or at a push Hemline
Make sure the bobbins you use fit the machine, aren’t damaged or rusty. I literally see it all! Bobbins that were inherited tend not to fit and if it has extensive rust on it won’t spin around inside the bobbin case! Most modern machines take the same bobbins but some brands use a different size, older machines tend to have very specific bobbins and somehow everyone seems to be given (and uses!) some vintage Singer bobbins that do not fit any modern machine. If in doubt check the height and diameter of the bobbins your machine came with or google what it takes. SO important that it all fits.
Keep your machine clean and lint free, don’t let sequins, bits of thread, food etc get inside your machine.