I don’t go in for the usual bettering myself new year’s resolutions ( do I think I cannot possibly better myself? Best discussed at a different forum!). But this year I have made crafting resolutions. In short I am going to make even more stuff but chiefly things that have been in my head or on my to do list for a while or things I have seen in some of the many many craft books I have bought this last year that have made me go Oh I want that. Only for the book to be added to one of the piles of books in my living room and never to be made.
Maybe I should make a resolution to not buy any more craft books until I have run out of all the things to knit, crochet and sew from all the wonderful patterns I already have. But it is an addiction and I am not quite ready to stop buying and coveting craft books just yet (although I could go on a fancy holiday in a hot country if I stopped!).
SO…here is my list of all the wonderful things I want to make and finish this year. Maybe slightly ambitious but hey as I am still feeling very optimistic about 2012 here goes in no particular order:

Doesn’t this dress look fab?
About 5000 people have already knitted one worldwide I saw on Ravelry but why not me too? It is rather cute..
3. I bought a lovely soap making book and would like to now make some soap. In fact I have a lovely (pie in the sky?) idea of making my own dishwasher soap, shampoo and everything. Baby steps Jennie!
4. Do a cross stitch design for a new tattoo. Yes, it has been way too long since I last had myself decorated and I feel a little swallow vintage stylee coming on. As I also want to do a funky cross stitch design (inspired by Twisted Stitches and Subversive Cross Stitch books) I will combine the two.
5. I want to, need to, finish the great lacy tunic I have been knitting for like, ever. I did so well with the first side and the start of the second one too, and then I stopped. And then I never started again. It looks great and will be fab when done so I MUST!
6. Make something from the Big Ass Book of Crafts. It has about 6000 projects in it and I love most of them so this should be easy. I feel something non fabric related, maybe some spray painting onto vintage plates? Could link in with the class I am doing at Oak Studioto make a cake stand from vintage plates.
7. Make a gorgeous multi coloured crochet cushion a la http://littlewoollie.blogspot.com/2011/09/little-ta-dah-and-thank-you-give-away.html.
right up my Strasse me thinks!

9. Make a quilt from the Material Obsession books, maybe coupled with my growing stash of old clothes of ours I want to re-use.
10. Make something from the Scandinavian Needlecraft book, would make great Christmas presents
11.Make something from the great Sew it, stuff it book. Lovely dollies and teddies. Perfect for little people’s birthday presents.
12. Do some fabric printing from the Printing by hand book I bought about a year ago, with all the best of intentions. I even have a stamp I made with the lovely Zeena and some shiny silver fabric paint.
I also joined the Ravelry 12 in 2012 group, to spurn me on. http://www.ravelry.com/groups/12-in-2012-3
….and lastly I thought I might try blogging every day or most days just to force my creative hand in that way. We are now on day three so let’s see how we go…