The amazing and super cool Jill from Made with Moxie has been running perfect pattern parcels for a while now. Every now and then (every month maybe? I’m not so good with keeping up on how regular stuff is!) a new bundle of patterns is released. They are grouped together, so there has been a kids one, and some women’s dress making for example, and they are usually great for mixing and matching too.
PPP brings together ubercool patterns so you don’t have to scour the net for them, which is handy. They are only available for a limited time, which makes it very exciting, in my book. And best of all you can set our own price. Feeling skint? Feeling like you will only make one of the patterns perhaps? No problem. Feeling like you want to support the indie designers and the charity the PPP support (to help kids, what’s not to like?!) and can afford to do so? Pay full price, with the added bonus of getting a free extra pattern.
In Jill’s own words:
Support Indie Designers:
Independent designers create patterns that are innovative, imaginative and in line with current style trends. Their patterns encompass a broad range of sizes and fabulous “out of the envelope” fit because they’re thoroughly tested by real people. Indie designers are approachable, providing support, suggestions, publishing additions to your favorite designs, and hosting interactive sewing events. When we are patrons of indie designers, we are supporting small businesses. We are developing the community around us. We are helping make dreams come true.
Support PPP:
We ask you to dedicate part of your purchase to support the mission of Perfect Pattern Parcel. Our mission is to support indie designers, give to charity, and expand awareness to further those two primary goals. PPP funds cover the cost of all hosting and payment processing fees so the designers and charities don’t have to. With any dollar we spend as a PPP expense, our goal is to earn that dollar back and then some. Every dollar that isn’t used to cover expenses is reallocated to charity.
Support Children’s Education:
Donors Choose is an organization that matches up the needs of teachers and their students for specific projects with willing donors. The funds raised from each Pattern Parcel sale will go to help K-12 students in minimizing educational inequality and encourage a community where children have the tools and experiences necessary for an excellent education. From pencils for poetry to microscopes for mitochondria, your support will help address educational inequality and grow generations to come. To date, you’ve helped us raise over $13,000!
Here is just one of the cool pattern in the latest parcel, the Bronte top. Comes with long sleeve option too.
I’ve just bought mine, buy yours now as it ends on Friday! Here’s is the link: Perfect Pattern Parcel