Stitch and Bitch/ knit and natter/ knit whilst you drink I have been wanting to hang out with the wonderful I Knit London possee for years. But their meetings are often on days I cannot make and usually too far away from me. But every month I longingly read their wooly emails and wished I too could be hanging out knitting with my crew. So finally I contacted I Knit London (formerly Stitch and Bitch) to see if I could start an East London chapter. And hurrah, they are all for it! So to not waste any more time, I have decided to start on that special leapy day Wednesday 29th February at my local The Rose and Crown, Hoe Street, Walthamstow, where all are welcome, knitters, crochet-ers, yarn hookers, cross-stitches, all, whether wanting to learn or being a pro, to knit and stitch and be sociable. I am always happy to teach and hopefully eventually we will have a large enough group to encourage more people to take up hooks. So every fourth Wednesday of the month, from 7pm, we will be there. Please join, pass it on, and come out and stitch with me!!