The Significant Seams Neighbourly Quilt Easter Workshops at The Mill
Wednesday 4 April, 11-12, Embroidery for Kids (age 7+), suggested donation £3
Tuesday, 10 April, 11-12:30, Kids’ Patch Decorating (All ages welcome), suggested donation £3
Friday, 13 April, 11-1, Felting Raw Wool into a Patch (age 10+), suggested donation £8
Saturday, 14 April, 4:30-6, Drawing with your Sewing Machine: Booking essential, suggested donation £6
About the Neighbourly Quilt Programme 2012
Area residents are being asked to represent the idea of neighborliness or something they love about
Walthamstow on a fabric square that will become part of the 2012 Significant Seams Community quilt: The E17 Neighbourly Quilt. They will be able to use any number of textile traditions or practices, and learn new ones from one of a number of workshops we will be hosting (minimum 6, a possible 20). You do not need to attend a workshop to contribute a patch.
Patches will be created by: area artists, craft clubs, community organisations , children, and other residents.The completed quilt will feature in the 2012 E17 Art Trail.